Friday, April 7, 2017

Game Journalism Day 5


First Day: 
On the first day you should avoid sprinting or else risk challenging wild-life because they will kill you. Next you should try and get as many resources till you can build a fireplace,  foundation and maybe even a  storage chest, try to avoid eating berries alone because you can mix it with water and get better nutrition from it. Also try and find a well known location for you to  set up your base.To get the needed resources try and crouch around to find crates which can hold many useful resources, to find wood just chop down some trees, tress can yield up to 6 logs if you know where to look.

First Night: On the first night you should place and ignite your fireplace and try not to walk away from it and risk dying. Try not to venture off with a glue stick, it will not end well
Second Day: On the second day (if you haven't lost your stuff yet) you should try to start working on a base command (if your ready) so you can gain a base beacon, more building options and more resources. If you can't make a base command yet go back to the day one steps.

You can continue crafting outside of your inventory, so you don't have to wait to finish crafting
Try not to sprint unless you 100% sure its safe to or/and if your running away from a animal
If your not sure whats around a corner you can press 'V' and go into third person and look around a corner.
Don't rush through the game, it can end in you dying and losing all of your stuff.
Watch your hunger bar and try not to get it too low or you risk taking damage or dying.

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